A loan helped a member to buy condiments, meats, flours, blouses, skirts, pants, etc.

Juntas Prosperamos Group's story

Maritza is forty-seven years old. She is in a common law relationship and is the mother of two children. She is dedicated to the production and sale of nacatamales, clothing and tortillas. She requested a new loan at Fundenuse using the Kiva fund to buy condiments, meat, corn, shirts, skirts, pants, among other products.

With the previous loan she obtained good profits on her sales. Join the solidarity group Juntas Prosperamos. Maritza is in the company of Yorling, who sells eggs and chickens and Alejandrina who sells vegetables on the street.

In this group: Yorling, Maritza , Alejandrina

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ellen Wuertz.

This loan is special because:

It helps promote financial inclusion in Nicaragua's rural northwest.

Loan details

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