A loan helped a member to purchase juices, soft drinks, bread, etc.

Juntas En Acción El Varillal Group's story

María is fifty years old and the owner of a convenience store. She began this business with the help of her mother, selling beans. Seeing that they sold well, she decided to establish a convenience store.

She asks for another FUNDENUSE loan using Kiva funds to purchase juices, soft drinks, bread, etc. With the previous loan, she got good earnings from her sales. Her goal is to build a large room to expand her convenience store.

She belongs to the Juntas en Acción el Varillal solidarity group with Reyna, who makes and sells nacatamales, and Alba, who sells new clothing.

In this group: María, Reyna, Alba

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Wendy H.

This loan is special because:

It helps promote financial inclusion in Nicaragua's rural northwest.

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