A loan helped to buy meat, vegetables, plastic products, condiments, etc.

Mirza Esmeralda's story

Mirza Esmeralda, age 28, is single and has two children. She lives with her mother and her children in the municipality of Gracias, Lempira.

For five years, she has worked making tacos in packages of 6 and 12 in her house. Previously she was a housewife.

Now she is requesting a loan from ODEF for 25,000 Lempiras to buy meat, vegetables, plastic products, condiments, etc. This investment will help her to increase the volume of her sales, because she has more customer demand. Her goal is to improve her living conditions.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Joann S.

This loan is special because:

It supports single mothers raising families on very little income.

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