A loan helped to buy supplies like fabrics, threads, ribbons, and zippers, and to pay for sewing machine maintenance.

Shirley's story

Shirley is a single woman who decided to start a business sewing garments for third parties several years ago, on an independent basis, in the municipality of Don Matías.

Today, Shirley wishes to give a small boost to her business with the help of Kiva lenders and the Interactuar corporation. For this reason, she needs a loan to buy supplies like fabrics, threads, ribbons, and zippers, and to pay for the maintenance of a machine for her small tailoring workshop.

Shirley hopes to be able to buy a new machine at some point further on, so that she can expand her business and thus improve her quality of life and that of her family.

If you want to know more about the entrepreneurs and the loans from Interactuar, you can join the Lending Team called: “Friends of Interactuar Colombia”: http://www.kiva.org/team/interactuar_colombia"

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Christine Bruggemann.

This loan is special because:

It helps internally-displaced people in Colombia rebuild and sustain their livelihoods.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

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