A loan helped to pay for home insulation work.

Gulanda's story

Gulanda thanks Kiva and all the lenders for the financial help she received before. Now with the goal of further improving her living conditions, she would like to apply for another loan from the bank Bai Tushum. She is asking for 200,000 Kyrgyzstan Soms to pay for work on her home's insulation. Gulanda is married and she has 9 children. As the primary source of income for her family she has been farming crops and livestock for many years. Thanks to Gulanda's hard work and her husband's help with the farm, today she has 3 cows, 20 sheep, and a plot of land measuring 1.6 hectares which she uses to grow various crops as needed. The loan will help improve her family's living conditions. Gulanda hopes to achieve a good result and create a better life for her wonderful children.

Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer Julia Warner.

This loan is special because:

It helps low-income families improve their living conditions and reduce their energy consumption

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