A loan helped to purchase livestock in order to increase his income from livestock farming.

Erkinbek's story

This man is named Erkinbek. He is forty-five years old. He has a wife and three children. He has secondary specialized education. By character he is a good and compassionate person. As the primary source of income for his family, he has been farming crops and livestock for the past 15 years. His property has all the right conditions for keeping cattle. Thanks to his hard work today his farm consists of an impressive 19 cows, 10 horses, and 33 sheep. Thanks to the cows Erkinbek sells organic milk every day. With the goal of further developing his business he has applied to the bank Bai Tushum for a loan of 135,000 Kyrgyzstan Soms in order to buy more cattle and increase his income from livestock farming. The income from the loan will help improve his family's material well-being. Erkinbek thanks all the lenders at Kiva for their support and wishes you all the best.

Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer Julia Warner.

This loan is special because:

The borrower receives a lower interest rate to fund their agriculture activities.

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