A loan helped to purchase a pair of cows, feed, and vitamins.

Hector Andres's story

This is Héctor, a humble rural man, 51 years old and characterized as being honest, hardworking and responsible. He has a hearing and speech disability, which has prevented him from having a formal education, but the love and support of his family has allowed him to grow as a great livestock farmer. He does this activity with his father and sibling, who are always with him to offer their support.

Héctor has worked in agriculture and milk production for over 30 years. With this arduous work, he has gotten financial stability in his family. However, his greatest dream is to make a milk collection point in the zone where he lives and, so, to give jobs to people who need them. So, Héctor asks for a loan, with which to purchase a pair of cows, feed, and vitamins. So, after a time of raising them, his milk production will be greater, generating more profits from his activity.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Wendy H.

This loan is special because:

It aims to reach vulnerable refugee populations in an isolated region.

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