A loan helped to buy sugar, flour, boxes of oil, eggs, bread, and sausage.

Teresa Amelia's story

Mrs. Teresa, 74, has been happily married for over 50 years to the love of her life and father of her children, who have already formed their own families and have gone on to live in other cities. Now they are only accompanied by a granddaughter. Since they married each other, they have been working in agriculture, specifically in the cultivation of cocoa. This has been their main source of income, which they continue doing to this day with great dedication.

Teresa is an honest and very supportive woman of affable character who, due to health problems, has had to seek another source of income for their home. So she started a small store with which to contribute to the needs of the household. Her business has been growing over time, so she is looking for her first loan to buy sugar, flour, boxes of oil, eggs, bread and sausage to stock her store and provide better service to her customers, thus generating more profits to support her husband.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Robert Rutledge.

This loan is special because:

It aims to reach vulnerable refugee populations in an isolated region.

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