A loan helped a member to buy more ingredients for her recipes, shrimp and fertilizer for banana crops.

Flor Del Palmar Group's story

Typical food in Guatemala is characterized by its flavor and the variety of ancestral ingredients used for its preparation. It is a source of pride for women like Jandy, she is twenty-seven years old, and has been preparing these delicious recipes for five years. Jandy works only upon request.

She is married to a day labourer and the couple has three children, between the ages of two and eight. The oldest are in kindergarten and first grade.

To generate additional income, months ago, Jandy included selling shrimp and growing bananas. She applies for her second loan from Kiva. With the capital, she will buy ingredients to prepare food, shrimp and fertilizer to improve the fertility of the land and obtain a quality crop.

The Puente de Amistad Community Bank "Flor de Palmar" is made up of seven Spanish-speaking women, originally from the department/state of San Marcos. They feel lucky to be part of Puente de Amistad's "Microcredit Plus" program, where they receive monthly training. These tools are essential so that these women can efficiently manage their businesses such as selling food, clothing and banana plantations. Thanks to these trainings, women continue to expand their businesses and get empowered to continue making that impact in the different areas where they operate.

Thank you Kiva Lenders!

In this group: Suly Judit, Jandy Briceida , Evelyn Antonieta , Daydis Queyli , Nicolasa Torivia , Herlinda Lily , Yuri Elizabeth

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer E. Power.

This loan is special because:

Clients receive in-depth trainings on business, health, over-indebtedness, and self-esteem.

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