A loan helped to buy construction materials like cement, sand, and Eternit [fiber cement].

Silvia Alexandra's story

Silvia is 20 years of age. She is a rural woman with barely a primary school education. She lives in the home of her parents in the sector of Guadubamba. She has two daughters whom she is raising as a single mother after having separated from her partner. Her older daughter attends school, and her younger one is barely two years old and needs the care of her mother.

Silvia engages in making chaguarmishqui, a traditional beverage of the Ecuadorean hills, which is said to have medicinal properties. She has been selling her product in the capital for 5 years.

She seeks support from lenders to be able to adapt and improve the place where she prepares the chaguarmishqui, since the structure is very old and is deteriorating.

Silvia wishes to produce a quantity that will enable her to sell every day. For that, she needs to continue cultivating blue agave stalks. In the future, she aspires to be able to count on more loans so that she can further develop her business and thus be able to generate the economic resources to give her daughters an education and good quality, nutritious food.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Christine Bruggemann.

This loan is special because:

It aims to reach vulnerable refugee populations in an isolated region.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

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