A loan helped to stock more vegetables and cereals to boost her sales.

Ruth's story

Introducing Ruth, a passionate and dedicated 32-year-old entrepreneur. As a single mother to 12-year-old Joyline, Ruth supports her family by paying school fees and providing daily needs. She owns a grocery store where she sells vegetables such as tomatoes, onions, and fruits. Ruth enjoys earning profits and meeting her clients, but she seeks financial support to boost her grocery business.

Ruth's loan will be used to add more stock of onions, tomatoes, and fruits. Her main challenge is a lack of sufficient working capital. The loan will help her increase her stock, boosting sales and income. Her business has contributed to the local community by providing affordable produce and employing people who help run the grocery and make deliveries.

Her previous loan was used to expand her grocery business, including building a stall. Ruth plans to repay her existing loan on time. She dreams of growing her business into a major grocery distributor and opening additional stalls. Ruth believes ECLOF Kenya is an excellent financial supporter for micro-enterprises.

This loan is special because:

It gives financial access to low income micro-entrepreneurs.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details