A loan helped to buy more farm inputs, such as feed, to boost her milk production.

Rael's story

Introducing Rael. She is 62 years old and married, and they are blessed with four children. Three of them are over 25 years old, and the last one is Ian: 18 years old. Her spouse is a farmer and they support their children by providing them with the basics and paying school fees for them. Rael is a dairy farmer: she sells milk to the people in the local community. She enjoys the profits that she earns from the sale of the milk. However, she is seeking financial support to boost her dairy business.

The loan Rael seeks will be used to buy dairy feed for her dairy cows. The main challenge that she faces is the lack of enough funds to expand her business and buy feed for her cows. Thus, the loan will help in the purchase of feed and therefore she will be able to increase the milk production in her business. The profits from the business will be used to expand her business. Her business has contributed to the wider community. She sells milk to the local people at an affordable price, and she has also employed a shamba boy who takes care of her dairy cows.

This is her first loan with ECLOF Kenya and she hopes to get help, with them, to be able to achieve her dreams. Rael’s dream is to ensure that her children get a better education, and also to expand her business. With the help of lenders Rael’s dream will come to reality. To the people across the world: Rael would like to urge them to take loans and use them for the right purpose.

This loan is special because:

It finances smallholder farmers to purchase supplies and agricultural equipment.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details