A loan helped to buy building supplies to do some home renovations.

Zhursunbubu's story

Zhursunbubu sends greetings from the village of Bokonbaevo. She would like to thank Kiva lenders for the financial support she received to buy livestock and will be grateful to receive another loan, which she promises to pay off promptly. She is asking for this new loan of 40,000 KGS to buy building materials to do home renovations to improve her living conditions.

Zhursunbubu is a 69-year-old hardworking woman and a widow with five wonderful grown children. She works in agriculture and is actively trying to increase her head count of livestock. She currently has 40 sheep and one horse on her farm. She intends to do some work to her home to create a more comfortable life for her family.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer Kat Tancock.

This loan is special because:

It helps low-income families improve their living conditions and reduce their energy consumption

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