A loan helped a member to purchase plastic bowls and buckets, as well as soap, for resale.

Jesutin Group's story

The Jesutin group consists of fifteen women who live in the same district on the outskirts of Cotonou, Benin's economic center. They normally meet once a week to offer support in business and for loan repayments. This is their first loan with ALIDE.

Ablawa is nearly thirty years old, and lives with her husband Julien and their three children who are all schooled. For the past ten years she has sold products as a traveling saleswoman, particularly within the Pahou market. She currently sells plastic items such as washing bowls and buckets, as well as soap.

With her loan she hopes to purchase three dozen plastic buckets and six crates of soap from Tokpa, Benin's largest market. Her ambition is to have her own stall at the market, and grow her business from there.

In this group: Ablawa Rosalie, Goussi Jeanne, Elisabeth, Assiba Pulcherie, Françoise, Bernadette, Nicole, Anne Clarisse, Angèle, Edith, Josephine, Mireille, Ayabo, Pelagie, Rosine

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