A loan helped a member to buy and sell traditional clothing.

Tulipán 2 Group's story

María is 67 years old, grew up with her grandmother, was two years old when her parents separated, and never knew her mother. A few years ago, her father commented that her mother had died when María was 14 years old. She is not literate and did not have an opportunity to go to school. She got married at the age of 17 and has five children.

She joined Asociación Chajulense de Mujeres Unidas por la Vida, ACMUV, to be able to cover her children's educational expenses. Two only studied up to the ninth grade and three finished their secondary school education, eleventh grade.

She has invested her loans in a business buying and selling traditional clothing. To get the best sales prices, María decided to travel and sell in some departamental and municipal capitals that she considered to be attractive.

Three years ago, she joined ACMUV again as she had the responsibility of caring for her father and needed to increase her income to care for him well.

She will invest her loan this year in expanding her business buying and selling traditional clothing.

María is the leader of the Tulipán 2 group. The group is made up of seven women, all of Maya Ixil ethnicity. The group will invest 43% in agriculture, 29% in textiles, 14% in food, and 14% in health. The members have an average of three children, the average age of the members is 44. Twenty-nine percent are not literate, 14% finished primary school, 14% studied up to the seventh grade, 14% studied up to the ninth grade, and 29% finished their secondary education, eleventh grade.

In this group: Antonia Susana, Candelaria, Catarina, Elena, Juana, Juana, María

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Wendy H.

This loan is special because:

ACMUV is an organization formed and led by indigenous women.

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