A loan helped to buy feed for chickens and pigs, as well as fertilizer and insecticide.

Herlinda Marisol's story

Herlinda Marisol and her family live in Portoviejo, a city of honest and hardworking people with beautiful rural landscapes and beaches that are an unrivaled attraction for everyone who visits.

Herlinda Marisol is a hardworking woman who, with her husband, is seeking a way to earn her income and cover the household expenses. They raise chickens and pigs, buying the animals when they are small and keeping them until they reach an adequate weight, when they are sold. They also have a farm where they grow plantain and coconut. When they harvest these products they take them to sell to merchants in the local market. In this way, they are able to earn a decent living. This is thanks to the help of the loans, for which she is very grateful. She asks for the help to continue.

This loan is to buy feed for the chickens and the pigs, as well as fertilizer and insecticide.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ellen Donohue.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by useful, real-life business training.

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