A loan helped to buy a motorized trike and supplies to make his product.

Juan's story

Juan is a 59-year-old man who lives with his wife in their own home. The children of this humble country dweller are already independent adults, so he has one less task. For now he only has to take care of his wife and himself.

Juan's wife helps him clean the lupini beans, a key step in his work of selling lupini beans with corn nuts. He sells these products on foot in his city; the weight of the baskets and the long walks are very debilitating. This has led him to dream of having a motorized trike to facilitate his work and earn more.

Juan is asking for financial help from Kiva to invest in his work, hoping to have more sales, and generate more profits, which he will save. This will allow him to age in a dignified way, together with his wife, when they can no longer work.

Translated from Spanish.

This loan is special because:

It aims to reach vulnerable refugee populations in an isolated region.

Loan details

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