A loan helped to purchase toys, clothing and pyrotechnic lights.

Rosa's story

For Rosa (46 years old), working is not only a way to generate income, but it also gives her a way to leave a legacy for her children, and to make a difference for her family and community. She is a single mother who has two children that are eight and eighteen years old. They are both students, one in second grade, the other in tenth. Rosa is a systems engineer, she has been in this line of work for eighteen years. She is also an enterprising and empowered woman. Twenty years ago, she started a business where she sells toys and pyrotechnic lights, as well as a bookstore. To generate extra income, one year ago, she started selling casual clothing and secondhand toys. She sells from her home and a local shop. She counts on her daughter to help and an employee who attends to these businesses.

Rosa is requesting her first loan from Kiva to purchase more merchandise to increase her business's inventory. In the future, she hopes to have a large business and to sell in new markets.

Rosa lives in the department/state of Chimaltenango and has benefitted greatly from the "Puente al Éxito” program offered by Puente de Amistad. She is empowered through personalized technical training where she learns how to better manage and expand her business. Basic tools related to goals, planning, budgeting and customer service allow Rosa to grow and develop more self confidence.

Thanks to the Kiva lenders for helping Rosa create a more successful future.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Shannon Perko.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women to build successful businesses and become leaders in their community.

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