Every success, no matter how small, feels incredibly rewarding because it is the direct result of your effort and dedication. María is 35 years old and has experienced this feeling with her three businesses over the past 10 years. She is married and the mother of three children (ages 5-8) who who are in kindergarten and third grade.
María is a teacher and practices her profession. She also raises creole chickens, pigs, and turkeys. Additionally, she makes and sells traditional sweets and runs a convenience store in a space in her home. To ensure the quantity and quality of the sweets she makes, she employs five people.
María is requesting a second loan from Kiva to buy more animals. She wants to increase the number of animals on her farm, offer quality products to her customers, and include the sale of meat by the pound.
The seven women who form the Friendship Bridge Trust Group, “Las Jocotales,” live in a rural area of the Quiché area. They are Sacapulteco-speaking Mayan women. Most of them are involved in making traditional sweets, raising animals, and running convenience stores. They meet monthly to make loan payments and then participate in an educational training session as part of the “Microcredit Plus” program. Recent topics for these sessions have included healthcare, waste classification, planning, and budgeting. This training is essential for their success as women, mothers, and business owners.
Thank you!
In this group: Ana Carmen, Maria , Micaela, Micaela , Pascuala, Magdalena , Ana Marta
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Russ Sprinkle. View original language description.