A loan helped a member to buy bananas and dresses to resell.

08-Badiary Group's story

Created in May, 2010, this group is made up of these 22 women in the same locality. They have good cohesion and are supportive. They are engaged in the business of retail in order to attain a certain independence. Ms. Mariana, 54 years old and raising her hand in the photo, is the group's leader. She is married and the mother of 6 children. Her new loan proceeds will be used to buy bananas and dresses to resell. With her profits she plans to strengthen her savings and her business.

In this group: Mariama, Aissatou, Fanseyni, Mariama, Dieynaba, Khady, Khady, Dieneba, Fatou, Duiarietou, Awa, Mansata, Mariama, Maimouna, Soukeye Mbacke, Yaye, Diarra, Fatou Bintou , Djenaba, Gnima, Sona, Fanta

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer JOHN LONSDALE.

This loan is special because:

It empowers entrepreneurs living in rural Senegal.

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