A loan helped to buy seeds and fertilizer that help to increase the productivity and quality of the crop during the year.

Rasha's story

Rasha is 31, married, and has four kids in different levels of education. She lives in a poor village in upper Egypt. Her husband is a farmer with a daily low income. She cultivates her farmland every year with a different crop according to the needs of merchants and factories, especially the cultivation of medicinal, aromatic plants, and onions.

She asks for a loan to expand her project by buying seeds and fertilizer that help increase the crop's productivity and quality during the year, which helps to increase the profit, selling the crops to the traders in the markets and importing them to hotels, to meet the family’s food, drink, and clothing needs, while facing high prices.

So, she asks for a loan and aspires to get it because this project is the main source of income for her and her family. Also, to achieve her ambition and continue her success.

This loan is special because:

This loan provides previously unbanked farmers with access to finance.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details