A loan helped to expand the barn and add shaded areas to increase the number of livestock and poultry.

Amer's story

Amer is a retired military officer who owns a house and is married to two women. He has ten children. Upon retiring from the military, he built a barn near University Street to work in the profession of raising sheep, poultry, and birds. He buys them, takes care of them, and sells them when they are ready, benefiting from this activity since he lacks space for increasing numbers.

He heard about national microfine bank for financing small projects and decided to expand his business. He decided to take advantage of the Buther product, given his existing livestock wealth, by establishing food and beverage stalls and creating shaded areas to increase the numbers and provide a safe and comfortable place for them.

This loan is special because:

It empowers people in a country with limited economic opportunities.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details