Joseline is a 32-year-old mother of two children, aged 2 and 6 years. For the past seven years, she has been selling airtime and mobile money.
Joseline is the leader of the group called Indashyikirwa TCB, which means “excellent people" in English. Group members sell different items and own a variety of businesses.
Joseline will use her loan to buy more airtime of MTN and airtel to sell within her community and meet customers' demand. With the profits from her sales, she hopes to be able to expand her business to neighboring areas by increasing working capital.
She is thankful for your support.
Note: The photo is of Joseline, the group president, who is representing the group.
In this group: Claude, Andre, Theogene, Joseline, Etienne, Stephanie, Darius, Valentin, Emmanuel, Alphonsine, Ruth, Cecile, Manasseh, Odette, Rachel, Emmanuel, Peragie