A loan helped a member to buy seeds and fertilizer to cultivate her field.

Book Liguey Ngamby Group's story

Sokhna is the woman in the photo seated in the chair in front of the seeder. She is the president of the Book Liguey Ngamby Group, who want to be together to work. She is a farmer. She is 52 years old, a widow, and the mother of 2 children aged 15 and 17 years old, and the guardian of a 7-year-old. They all go to school. She is a credit-worthy client. She has operated her business for over 21 years.

She has borrowed money from VFS to buy seeds and fertilizer to cultivate her field, strengthen her farming business, and grow her revenue.

The earnings she makes allow her to take care of the family's needs (health care, food, education, sanitation, etc.)

The difficulties she faces in her business is the high price for seeds and a lack of quality seeds in the market.

Her big wish is to grow her business in order to become a large grower in her community and also provide quality seeds in the surrounding markets.

In this group: Awa, Sokhna , Fatou, Kewe, Khoudia, Natou, Ndelle, Ami, Ndatte, Khady

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer leonardo.

This loan is special because:

It enables low-income farmers in Senegal to increase their income and provide for their families.

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