A loan helped to buy six quintals of urea, six quintals of compost, and pay for weed removal to maintain his crop of beans.

Armando De Jesus's story

Don Armando is a small entrepreneur who enjoys rural life. He is very grateful to Kiva and MiCrédito for trusting him with a previous loan. The loan was essential for funding his harvest.

Armando has returned to request another Kiva loan from MiCrédito. He will buy six quintals of urea, six quintals of compost, and pay for weed removal to maintain his crop of beans. With this investment, he hopes to achieve better production. Armando hopes to continue growing with the support of Kiva and MiCrédito.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica.

This loan is special because:

The repayments are aligned with harvest season.

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