A loan helped to purchase equipment for the spraying of the plum orchard in order to further develop the business.

Gheorghe's story

Gheorghe thanks Kiva lenders for the previous loan, which helped him pay for the renovation of the sewer system. This allowed him to further develop his business.
Gheorghe is still involved in farming. He has a plum orchard, which he processes with great care. Gheorghe has also leased a lake where he breeds fish. He loves what he does and has loved farming since childhood. Now his hobby has become a family business and the main source of income for him and his family.
Gheorghe wants to buy equipment to spray his fruit. Thanks to this investment, Gheorghe will increase the budget of his farming household. Due to price increases this year, Gheorghe does not have all the money he needs and has decided to apply for a new Kiva loan. He is very much hoping for your help.

This loan is special because:

It enables those living in rural areas to grow their businesses at a lower interest rate.

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