A loan helped a member to purchase a variety of clothing and cosmetics to sell.

Kuña Mbarete Group's story

This committee is in its third loan cycle in the women's committee program, where they all help each other to be able to achieve their goals. Through their work together, they are able to have a better quality of life.

One of them is Rosa Soledad, who works selling clothing and cosmetics. She comments that, through her sales, she generates the income that her loved ones need to be able to have a decent quality of life and better conditions.

She mentions that she struggles tirelessly for her loved ones, so to be able to give them everything she was unable to have and that they do not experience hardships or deprivation of any kind.

She mentions that she decided to be part of the women's committee program to be able to improve her business and, through this, to be able to continue helping her family, to be able to give them everything she was unable to have.

She asks for this loan to purchase a variety of clothing and all sorts of cosmetics to be able to continue with her sales as she has been doing.

Note: The girl in the photo is the daughter of one of the group members who signed for this loan.

In this group: Camila Yeruti, Julia, Norma, Andrea Basilicia, Emilia Marlene, Alicia Rufina, Rosa Soledad, Claudia Marlene, Vidalia Ramona, Nilda Raquel, Rosa Blanca, Rosa Maria, Monica Raquel, Marina, Margarita, Dominica, Limpia Concepcion, Mirian Estela, Yamila Carolina, Genara, Yudith Yolanda, Nathalia, Claudelina

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Wendy H.

This loan is special because:

It includes a basic health insurance plan.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details