A loan helped to buy embryos to improve the breed of pigs she raises, as well as feed and medicines to promote good growth.

Carina Elizabeth's story

Carina Elizabeth is 34 years old, separated from her partner, and has three young children. They live in the parish of San Isidro, which is in the canton of Sucre. This place has beautiful beaches. The people are dedicated to fishing, agriculture, and raising animals.

Carina Elizabeth is a hardworking woman who seeks to earn income so that she support herself and her children. She must play the role of both mother and father. Rural life is very difficult due to the lack of resources, including good roads, education, and health care. However, she has been able to get ahead through effort and hard work. Carina Elizabeth raises pigs. She has a few breeding sows and hopes to inseminate them in order to improve the breed of pigs she raises.

This loan will be used to buy embryos to improve the breed of pigs she raises, as well as feed and medicines to promote good growth.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica.

This loan is special because:

It helps farmers adapt to a changing climate.

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