A loan helped to purchase three industrial machines.

Yesica Jeanette's story

Since she was little, Yesica has liked to be independent, have her own business and, so, to generate her income. She is twenty-eight years old, married, and the mother of three children (two months to three years old).

Yesica managed to finish secondary school and for ten years has worked sewing and machine embroidering huipil blouses and gabacha aprons. She makes the garments to order and delivers to two boutiques. Thanks to the support of her four employees, she manages to serve her customers efficiently. To generate extra income, for five years she has worked raising laying hens. She sells the eggs at her house, in nearby stores, and to relatives.

At this time, she is asking for her first Kiva loan with the end of purchasing three industrial machines. Without a doubt, Yesica will increase her business's production and will meet the high demand from her customers. In the future, she wants to open a formal retail space.

Yesica lives in the department/state of Totonicapán and speaks the Maya K'iche language and Spanish. Previously, she participated in a Friendship Bridge communal bank. In the previous presentations, Yesica learned about good business management, health, and the environment. These topics have allowed her to get more knowledge and apply them to different areas of her life.

Having increased her business, she decided to opt for the new Friendship Bridge program called Puente Al Éxito.

Thank you, Kiva lenders, for supporting this enterprising woman. .

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Wendy H.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women to build successful businesses and become leaders in their community.

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