A loan helped a member to buy shirts, blouses, pants, and children's clothing.

Alas Doradas Group's story

Nancy Aracely is 32 years old. She lives with her husband their two children. Nancy has 10 years' experience selling used clothing, work that she does very well and that enablers her to earn income in order to help with the responsibilities of the household.

But she wants to improve the stability of her business. It's for this reason that she's requesting a loan in order to buy shirts, blouses, pants, and children's clothing. With this investment, she hopes to have greater availability for her clients.

Nancy, along with Karina and Susana and Sandra, makes up the "Alas Doradas" ["Golden Wings"] solidarity group. They are people who are seeking the same goal: that of getting ahead.

In this group: Karina Gabriela, Sandra Elisa, Susana Guadalupe, Nancy Aracely

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Kathy McCardwell.

This loan is special because:

It includes access to business education classes.

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