A loan helped a member to buy peanut seeds and fertiliser.

05-Aby Group's story

This group of women was formed in June 2017. They live in the same area and maintain very strong ties of kinship and solidarity. For seven years their main activity has been agriculture.

Aby, who has her hand raised in the image, is 41 years old. She is married and mother of 2 children including 1 daughter. She is active in agriculture.

With this loan, she plans to buy 4 bags of peanut seeds and 4 bags of crop fertiliser. After harvest, she will resell her produce to the local market at a good price, hoping to obtain a better income.

With the profits, she plans to strengthen her savings and help her husband meet family needs (food, care, children's education).

In this group: Marie Anne, Awa, Aby, Agnes Khemesse, Satou

Translated from French.

This loan is special because:

It empowers entrepreneurs living in rural Senegal.

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