A loan helped a member to buy a variety of footwear to sell.

Mujeres Emprendedoras Group's story

There are twelve members in the Mujeres Emprendedoras group, and they are all friends and neighbors who fight together for a better quality of life for their families so that all their needs are met. They are all helping each other, and their goal is to be able to grow, not only economically but also as people.

Lucia is one of the members of the group, and she is a hardworking person who is dedicated to sales. She has a shoe store where she offers her customers a wide variety of shoes. She mentions that her objective is to invest in her business and be able to improve it so that she can continue working and have a greater selection of shoes to offer her customers.

She is requesting this loan to buy a variety of footwear so that she will be able to continue with her sales and fulfill her customer's orders.

In this group: Lucia, Nilda, Devora Gabriela, Margarita, Rosalba Beatriz, Carmen Griselda, Juana Maria, Cinthya Eugenia, Betty Elizabeth, Lidia Raquel, Maria Magdalena, Sandra Elizabeth

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Jarita Acosta.

This loan is special because:

It includes a basic health insurance plan.

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