A loan helped a member to buy a variety of plants, fertilizers, etc.

San Cayetano Group's story

The San Cayetano group was formed thanks to one of the members, who invited her neighbors to join. Today, they are in the 22nd cycle of the women's committee program, where they all work ald help each other to get ahead.

Sixta is one of the memebers. She is an active woman who works together with her husband to help her three children, who are the reason for her daily struggle and effort. Sixta sells all kinds of plants to earn enough money to support her home and her loved ones.

This loan helps Sixta to buy a varieety of plants, fertilizers, etc. to continue her work as she has been doing it.

Note: The girl in the picture is the daughter of one of the members of this group.

In this group: Sofia, Rufina, Sixta, Epifania, Sara Concepcion, Calixta, Sandra Elizabeth, Cyntia Mabel, Serafina, Diana Monserrat, Sergia Clavel, Genesis Sofia Del Mar, Mirtha Leticia, Lisa Concepcion, Maria Liliana

Translated from Spanish.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by an industry leading poverty-elimination program.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details