A loan helped a member to purchase candies, cookies, bread, rice, soft drinks, etc.

Mirando Hacia El Futuro Group's story

Maritza is thirty-four years old, partnered, and the mother of three children. She is the owner of a convenience store where she also sells enchiladas and tacos. She began this business with the support of her life partner.

She again asks FUNDENUSE for a loan using Kiva funds to purchase candies, cookies, bread, rice, soft drinks, etc. With the previous loan, she got good earnings from her sales. It is for this that she decided to join the Mirando Hacia el Futuro solidarity group again with Adelayda, Martha, Aritza and Jessica, who work in the same economic activity.

In this group: Adelayda, Martha, Maritza, Aritza, Jessica

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Wendy H.

This loan is special because:

It helps promote financial inclusion in Nicaragua's rural northwest.

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