A loan helped a member to purchase raw materials to make cakes and tamales.

El Balsamo 2024 Group's story

María del Carmen is 57 years old, single, and lives with her family in the municipality of Puerto Cortés. For 10 years, she has worked selling pastries and tamales, an activity she does in her own home. Previously, she was a homemaker.

She is currently asking ODEF for a group loan for the amount of 51,000 lempiras, which she plans to invest in the purchase of raw materials to make cakes and tamales.

The group named El Balsamo 2024 is formed by three members who, in the photo from left to right, are María Luisa, Evelyn Carolina and María Del Carmen. This investment will help them increase their products to be able to make more sales and improve the businesses.

In this group: Evelyn Carolina, Maria Luisa, Maria Del Carmen

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Wendy H.

This loan is special because:

It supports single mothers raising families on very little income.

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