A loan helped a member to buy basic necessity items to sell such as soap, detergent, toilet paper, snack foods, and cookies.

El Progreso Group's story

Cristina is very pleased with the previous loan she received since she was able to improve her living conditions. However, she wants to continue strengthening her convenience store, so she is requesting a new loan to buy basic necessity items such as soap, detergent, toilet paper, snack foods, and cookies. With this investment, she hopes to generate more income.

Cristina, Eva, Marta, and Paul are the members of the solidarity group “El Progreso”. They are responsible people who seek to get ahead.

In this group: Cristina, Eva, Paul Stanley, Marta Reyna

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica.

This loan is special because:

It includes access to business education classes.

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