A loan helped a member to buy merchandise: flip-flops, sandals, and products for her store.

Nuevo Amanecer Group's story

Reina Isabel lives with her husband and her children, who no longer depend on her economically. Reina has worked independently for seven years. She has a little store that she tends every day, and she has a high demand from her customers. With this work, she generates income for her activities, but she wants to strengthen her business. For that reason, she is applying for a loan to buy merchandise: flip-flops, sandals, and products for her store. With this investment, she hopes to have better income.

Reina, along with Pablo, Teresa, and Carlos, form the solidarity group "Nuevo Amanecer," being responsible people who seek the same goal of getting ahead.

In this group: Carlos Alberto, Teresa De Jesus, Pablo, Reina Isabel

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Pam McMurry.

This loan is special because:

It includes access to business education classes.

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