A loan helped to buy more clothing.

Maria Irma's story

María Irma is 53 years old, is single, has 2 children, and lives with her children in the town of San Pedro Sula, in Cortes.
For 14 years, María Irma has had her own business selling merchandise such as pants, shirts, blouses, skirts, etc. She sells her merchandise on foot. She has always been a business woman. She is asking for a loan from Kiva for 31,000 Lempiras, which will supply her business. She will invest it in buying more clothing. With this investment, she hopes to maximize her sales.
María Irma dreams of growing her business and helping her family.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Emmy Soyka.

This loan is special because:

It supports single mothers raising families on very little income.

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