A loan helped a member to buy more Irish potato seeds and fertilizers.

Twunganirane Nyonirima Agric Sub Grp A Group's story

Brigite is a 39-year-old mother of four children whose ages range from 15 to 24. Her husband is also a farmer. For the past 20 years, Brigite has been growing Irish potatoes.

Brigite is the leader of the group named Twunganirane Nyonirima Agric Sub Grp A, which in English means, "Let's grow together." All of the group members are Irish potato growers.

Brigite will use her loan to buy more Irish potato seeds and fertilizers. She will then sell her harvest at the marketplace to meet customer demand in the area.

With the profits from her sales, Brigite hopes to reinvest in her business.

Brigite is thankful for your support.

Note: The photo is of Brigite, the group president, who is representing the group.

In this group: Brigite, Julienne, Elisabeth, Julienne, Asinath, Emile, Agnès, Emmanuel, Beatrice, Mariam, Emmanuel, Claudine

This loan is special because:

It provides high-quality direct inputs for rural Rwandan farmers.

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