A loan helped a member to purchase firewood, one quintal of beans, 1 case of returnable soft drinks, and one case of 12-ounce soft drinks.

La Colonia De Leon Group's story

From León, Nicaragua meet the communal association La Colonia de León, formed by 9 clients. They characterize themselves by their good payment behavior. The businesses which predominate are selling shoes, a convenience store, selling cell phone accessories, selling perfume, selling firewood, selling beans, and selling soft drinks.

Maritza Yanet (wearing a white shirt with black stripes, blue jeans, and white sandals) is 41 years old. She considers herself to be a responsible and hardworking person. She is partnered, has an adult daughter, and her partner works in transportation. Five people live in her house.

Her business is selling firewood, selling beans and selling soft drinks, and she has has had it for two years. What she likes about her business is interacting with her customers. The challenge she has faced with her business is low sales.

She will use the loan to purchase firewood, one quintal of beans, 1 case of returnable soft drinks, and one case of 12-ounce soft drinks. Her hopes and dreams for the future are to expand the business to have better earnings. She advises women to struggle to get ahead with their businesses.

Give her your support to generate her progress!

In this group: Adriana Lisseth , Maritza Yanet , Johanna Eleonora , Danelia , Reyna Isabel , Hector Luis , Ignacio Benito , Paula Adelaida, Nancy Marily

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Wendy H.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women through community support and financial training.

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