A loan helped to purchase underwear for children and adults such as boxers, bras, briefs, socks and more clothing to sell in her business.

Roxely Guadalupe's story

Roxely Guadalupe is 24 years old, lives in a common-law union, has 4 children, resides with her family in the municipality of Victoria, Yoro.
She sells clothing for adults, young people and children. She has had this business for 4 years offering the customers shirts, jeans, socks, boxers, shorts, blouses, underwear and pants of all styles. Previously Roxely was a housewife.

She is requesting another loan from ODEF for the sum of 15,000 lempiras to buy underwear for children and adults, boxers, bras, underpants, socks and other garments to sale in her business. This will help her to have the business more stocked with new products. Her goal is to keep the business growing.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Salvador Quintanilla.

This loan is special because:

It is accompanied by financial education and provides borrowers access to a savings account.

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