A loan helped a member a display, a crate of returnable sodas, a bag of cheese puffs, and a small glass display.

Rosa De Saron Group's story

From Leon, Nicaragua, meet the Rosa de Saron community association, cycle 28, made up of eight members characterized by their good payment behavior. The predominant businesses are: Sale of shoes, convenience store, sale of cell phone accessories, sale of perfume.

Evelia Pastora (wearing a black shirt and purple pants), is 35 years old and considers herself an honest, hardworking and responsible person. She is married and has two sons ages 7 and 12, both of whom are studying. Her partner works, and four people live in her house.

Her business is a coffee shop, which she has had for five years. What she likes about her business is interacting with customers and providing good service. The challenges she has faced with her business are low sales. She will use the loan to purchase a display case, a crate of returnable sodas, a bag of cheese puffs, and a small glass display case. Her dreams and hopes for the future are to expand the business. She advises women not to give up and to keep going.

Help her continue to grow her business!

In this group: Evelia Pastora , Felix Ramon , Stefani Massiel , Magaly , Maria Jose , Victor Manuel , Johanna Carolina , Leslia Mercedes

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Robert Rutledge.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women through community support and financial training.

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