A loan helped a member to purchase 1 quintal of sugar, 1 quintal of rice, 1 quintal of beans, 1 barrel of oil, 1 box of soap, and 1 bag of toilet paper.

Santa Cruz Group's story

The Santo Domingo community association is based in Jinotepe, Nicaragua. It's made up of 8 members known for their prompt payment. The main businesses of the group are a taxi service, a neighborhood store, and selling clothes, sweets, and cosmetics.

Teresa De Jesus (pregnant and wearing a light blue shirt with a white design) is 28 years old and has 2 children (boy and girl) who are both still in school.

4 people live in her house. She has owned a corner store for 7 years. She likes that her business makes a profit, but she struggles with the rising cost of products and more competition.

The loan will help her to increase her store's stock so she can earn more profit. She will use it to purchase 1 quintal of sugar, 1 quintal of rice, 1 quintal of beans, 1 barrel of oil, 1 box of soap, and 1 bag of toilet paper.

Her hopes and dreams are to continue working to grow her business by offering a variety of products. She encourages women to take advantage of the support that Pro-Mujer offers through credits that help them get ahead.

You can be part of their progress!

In this group: Teresa De Jesus, Yesca Del Carmen, Ingri Fernanda, Ruth Del Socorro, Maria Elena, Martha Lucia, Adán Alberto, Ana Cecilia

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Lesa Sexton.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women through community support and financial training.

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