A loan helped a member to buy one quintal of beans, one quintal of flour, one can of oil.

Santo Domingo Group's story

The Santo Domingo community association is based in Jinotepe, Nicaragua. It’s made up of 9 members known for their organization and responsibility. The group’s main businesses are selling nacatamales (a traditional Nicaraguan food), tortillas, firewood, beans, ice, and cosmetics.

Candida Rosa (wearing a yellow shirt and blue jeans) is 52 years old and in a relationship. She has six children, all of whom are adults. Her partner works in the field, and four people live in her house.

For one year, she’s had a business selling bread and cooked beans. She likes that her business provides income, but she’s struggled with low sales.

This loan will buy one quintal of beans, flour, and 1 barrel of oil. The loan will help her to grow her business. Her hopes and dreams are to continue working to expand her business to earn better profits. She encourages women to work and invest in their businesses so they can grow.

Help her to continue reaching her goals!

In this group: Candida Rosa , Karen Ibeth , Mariela Cristina , Danelia Elieth , Roger Jacinto, Emilda Adelaida, Magda Elena, Roger José, Meyling Sugey

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Lesa Sexton.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women through community support and financial training.

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