A loan helped to buy pork, potatoes, corn kernels, onions, tomatoes and oil by the gallon among other ingredients.

Angela Argentina's story

This is Argentina, a woman with three children of 22, 17 and 9 years of age. Two of them are still minors and studying, while the oldest works to support her at home as well as at her work selling mote (boiled corn kernel) with fried vegetables in a small food stand that she owns, which she uses to support her humble family.

Argentina, to make some adjustments to her food establishment and give greater comfort to her diners, is requesting a loan with which she will buy pork, potatoes, motes, onions, tomatoes and oil by the gallon among other ingredients for the preparation of her meals.

In this way, she longs to continue earning a living and to save a little for her children's professional studies.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer E. Power.

This loan is special because:

It aims to reach vulnerable refugee populations in an isolated region.

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