A loan helped a member to buy medical items.

Los Dantes Group's story

From Jinotepe, Nicaragua meet the Los Dantes communal association. It is in its 9th cycle and is characterized by its good payment history. The businesses that predominate are selling medical items, a carwash, a taxi service, and farming.

Yubelka Tatiana (wearing a pink shirt, blue jeans, and using glasses) is 36 years old, married and has a 5-year-old son who is in the 3rd year of preschool. Three people live in her home. Yubelka Tatiana's business is selling medical items, and she has had it for 4 years. She will use the loan to buy medical items to expand her business.

The challenges she has faced with her business are the low sales periods. Her hopes and dreams for the future are to expand the business to provide employment to other people. Her advice for women is to work hard to get ahead and to join the Pro-Mujer groups to take out a loan and start a business.

Help her to keep growing in the business!

In this group: Abdul Ramses , Yubelka Tatiana , Marjories De Los Angeles , Diana De Los Angeles , Ana Rosa , Jose Adalid , Miurell Cristina , Felix Alberto , Maria Del Carmen

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ellen Donohue.

This loan is special because:

It empowers women through community support and financial training.

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