A loan helped to buy seeds, work tools, an irrigation system, among other inputs.

Luz Aurora's story

Aurora is a hard-working woman with a very friendly character. She lives with her the children in a mixed construction type of house. Her children help her with the farm chores when they are on vacations from school.

Her livelihood is the cultivation of cacao, a work she has been doing for 10 years. Her crops are on her own land that she inherited.

What Aurora does differently from other producers in the area is that she does not use chemicals for the growth of her plants.

A future wish would be to have a cacao dryer. This way she would be able to dry her products quickly.

But the loan she is asking for is to buy seeds, work tools, an irrigation system, among other inputs, hoping to increase the financial stability of her family.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Charissa Nelson.

This loan is special because:

It aims to reach vulnerable refugee populations in an isolated region.

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