A loan helped to stock more foodstuffs and other household essentials to boost his business.

Vincent's story

Vincent, a 34-year-old shop owner from Mbale, seeks a loan of KES 120,000 to expand his shop's inventory and meet growing customer demand.

Married and supporting a young child, Vincent takes pride in providing for his family through his retail business, enjoying personal interactions with his customers. The loan will help him acquire more high-quality commodities, overcoming the challenge of insufficient capital and maintaining a competitive edge.

His business supports the community by providing employment opportunities and sourcing from local suppliers. Vincent has a history of financial responsibility, having successfully repaid a previous loan used to buy shop stock. With this new loan, he aims to improve his family's standard of living and ensure a better future for his child.

Grateful for lender support, Vincent is committed to using the funds to benefit his family and the wider community.

This loan is special because:

It gives financial access to low income micro-entrepreneurs.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details