A loan helped to acquire essential farm inputs like fertilizers, farm seeds, and chemicals.

Margret's story

Margret, a dedicated smallholder farmer from Kapsabet, has been cultivating her land with passion and perseverance for a few years. As a married woman, she balances the demanding roles of a farmer and a homemaker, striving to provide a better life for her family. Her farm is a crucial source of food and income, sustaining her household and contributing to the local community.

Despite her commitment and hard work, Margret faces significant challenges due to limited resources. She dreams of improving her farm's productivity by procuring essential farm inputs such as fertilizers, farm seeds, and farm chemicals. This loan would enable her to boost her crop yield, enhance the quality of her produce, and secure a more stable income for her family.

Margret's determination, experience, and vision for a prosperous future make her a deserving candidate for this loan. Supporting Margret means investing in her family's well-being and fostering agricultural growth in her community.

This loan is special because:

It finances smallholder farmers to purchase dairy cows, chickens, cereals, farm inputs and farming equipment.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details