A loan helped to plant mustard and start an agriculture microenterprise.

Jhonny Alberto's story

Meet Jhonny Alberto. At only 19 years old, he is known for being very hard-working and responsible from a very early age.

Jhonny Alberto is applying for a small loan to start his own farming enterprise. With the funds he is planning to buy mustard seeds, prepare the land for cultivation, and also buys some calves to diversify his small farming venture.

Jhonny Alberto lives with his mother in rural Panama and and wants to grow his farm in order to provide for himself and also support his mother.

This loan is very important as access to working capital in his region is very limited, hindering young farmers like Jhonny Alberto.

Note: in this photo, Jhonny Alberto is with his mother, who has always supported him.

This loan is special because:

It helps unbanked communities in rural areas gain access to financial services.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details